Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Present continuous

We use the present continuous to talk about wath's happening now.

+ Subject + verb to be + -ing form
I am serving
- Subject + verb to be + not + -ing form
I'm not serving
? Verb to be + subject + -ing form
Am I serving?

Prepositions of time

-We use in with parts of the day, months, years and seasons.
In (the morning, November, 2010, autum.)
-We use at whit times.
At eight o'clock.
-We use on with days.
On saturday.
We use from... to... to show the beginningand end of something.
Open from ten to eleven.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Vocabulary IV


Onion family
Garlic = Ajo
Leek = Puerro
Spring onion = Cebolla de primavera
Onion = Cebolla

Yam = Batata
Sweet potatoe = Camote
Potatoe = Patata
Jerusalem artichoke = Topinambur

Cucumbers = Pepinos
Marrow/Squash = Calabacin
Courgettes/zucchini = Calabacin
Pumpkin = Calabaza

Peas and beans
Butter beans = Judias
Green beans = Ejotes
Broad beans = Habas
Aduki beans = Frijoles
Peas = Guisantes
Kidney beans = Habas de riñon
Runner beans = Judias verdes
beansprouts = Brotes de soja

Root vegetables
Swede/Rutabaga = Nabo seco
Beetroot/Beet = Remolacha
White radish = Rábano blanco
Ginger = Jengibre
Radishes = Rabanos
Carrots = Zanahorias
Parsnips = Chirivias
Turnips = Nabos

Cabbage = Repollo
Corn cobs = Mazorcas de maiz
Chinese leaves/Bok choy =
Celery = Apio
Artichoke = Alcachofa
Okra = Okra
Asparagus = Esparragos
Cauliflower = Coliflor
Lettuce = Lechuga
Spinach = Espiaca
Red pepper = Pimiento rojo
Green pepper = Pimiento verde
Brocoli = Brocoli
Aubergine/Egg plant = Bernejena
Mushrooms = Campiñones
Tomatoes = Tomates
Brussels sprouts = Coles de Bruselas

Vocabulary III


Strawberries = Fresas
Cranberries = Arandanos agrios
Blackberries = Zarzamoras
Raspberries = Frambuesas
Gooseberries = Grosellas
Grapes = Uvas
Loganberries = Moras

Citrus fruits
Orange = Naranja
Grapefruit = Pomelo
Limes = Limas
Lemon = Limon
Clementines = Mandarinas

Cantaloup/cantaloupe = Cantalupo
Watermelon = Sandia
Honeydew melon = Melon

Tropical fruits
Pineapple = Piña
Mango = Mango
Coconuts = Coco
Plantains = Platanos
Banana = Banana
Papaya = Papaya
Lychee = Lychis
Passion fruit = Fruta de la pasion
Starfruit = Carambola

Persimmons = Caquis
Quinces = Membrillo
Figs = Higos
Peaches = Melocotones
Nectarines = Nectarina
Pears = Peras
Plums = Ciruelas
Kiwi fruit = Kiwi
Cherries = Cerezas
Apricots = Albaricoques
Apples = Manzanas

Vocabulary II

Sweet Food
Cookies/biscuits = Galletas
Cheese cake = Tarta de queso
Chocolate cake = Tara de chocolate
Chocolate mousse = Mousse de chocolate
Chocolates = Bombones
Box of chocolates = Caja de bombones
Bar of chocolate = Tableta de chocolate
Gingerbread men = Galletas de gengibre
Muffins/cupcakes = Magdalenas
Apple pie = Tarta de manzana
Sundae = Helado con nueces y frutas
Candy/sweet = Caramelo
Doughnut = Donut
Lollipop = Piruleta
Toffee apple = Manzana de caramelo
Banana split = Platano con helado y sirope
Custard pie = Pastel de crema
Ice-cream cone = Cono de helado
Cinnamon roll = Rollo de canela
Trifle = Bagatela

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Tipes of water
Tap water = Agua del grifo
Sparkling water = Agua gaseosa
Still water = Agua mineral

Tipes of eggs
Fried = Fritos
Soft boiled = Pasados por agua
Hard boiled = Huevos duros
Scrambled = Revueltos
Poached = Escalfados

Tipes of meat
Beef = Carne devacuno
Lamb = Cordero
Pork = Cerdo
Veal = Ternera
Mutton = Cordero viejo
Chicken = Pollo

Parts of the chicken
Wings = Alas
Legs = Muslos
Breast = Pechuga

Walnuts = Nueces
Hazelnuts = Avellanas
Chestnuts = Castañas
Peanuts = Cacahuetes

Things on a restaurant table

Crockery = Vajilla
Plate/dish(-es) = Plato(s)
Cup = Taza
Sowcer = Plato de cafe
Glass = Copa
Tumbler = Vaso de agua

Cutlery = Cuberteria
Fork = Tenedor
Spoon = Cuchara
Knife = Cuchillo
Teaspoon = Cucharilla
Chopsticks = Palillos chinos

Tablecloth = Mantel
Napkin = Servilleta
Asthray = Cenicero
Bowl = Bol
Bottle = Botella
Jug = Jarra
Flower vase = Florero
Menu card = Menu
Wine list = Carta de vinos

Frequency adverbs

Always - Siempre
Usually - Casi siempre
Often - A menudo
Sometimes - A veces
Never - Nunca

Simple Present

We use the simple present to talk about routines or habitual actions.

+ Subject+verb(-es for he/she/it)
I serve the guests.
The waiter serves the guests
(except modal verbs, be, have, ...)
- Subject+don't/doesn't+base of the verb
I don't serve the guests
The waiter doesn't serve the guests
? Do/does+subject+base of the verb
Do you speak French?
Does the waitress make cocktails?
(Who buys the As every day?)

Short answers
Do you ...?
Yes, I do./No, I don't.
Does she ...?
Yes, she does./No, she doesn't.

Time expresions
They're placed at the end of the setence.
Every day.
On Sunday's/Tusday's/Thursday's/the weekend...
Every year.

James Morrison - Please don't stop the rain

I don't know where I crossed the line
Was it something that I said
Or didn't say this time
And I don't know if it's me or you
But I can see the skies are changing
In all the shades of blue
And I don't know which way it's gonna go

If it's gonna be a rainy day
There's nothing we can do to make it change
We can pray for sunny weather
But that won't stop the rain
Feeling like you got no place to run
I can be your shelter 'til it's done
We can make this last forever
So please don't stop the rain

(Let it fall, let it fall, let it fall)
Please don't stop the rain
(Let it fall, let it fall, let it fall)
Please don't stop the rain

I thought that time was on our side
I've put in far too many years
To let this pass us by
You see live is a crazy thing
There'll be good time and there'll be bad times
And everything in between
And I don't know which way it's gonna go

If it's gonna be a rainy day
There's nothing we can do to make it change
We can pray for sunny weather
But that won't stop the rain
Feeling like you got no place to run
I can be your shelter 'til it's done
We can make this last forever
So please don't stop the rain

(Let it fall, let it fall, let it fall)
Please don't stop the rain
(Let it fall, let it fall, let it fall)
Please don't stop the rain

Oh ___
And finally what life's it's all about
Yeah I know you just can't stand it
When leaves don't grow your way (?)
But we've got no control over what happens anyway

If it's gonna be a rainy day
There's nothing we can do to make it change
We can pray for sunny weather
But that won't stop the rain
Feeling like you got no place to run
I can be your shelter 'til it's done
We can make this last forever
So please don't stop the rain

(Let it fall, let it fall, let it fall)
Please don't stop the rain
(Let it fall, let it fall, let it fall)
Please don't stop the rain

(Let it fall, let it fall, let it fall)
Can't stop it, can't stop it, just can't stop the rain
(Let it fall, let it fall, let it fall)
Let it fall, please don't stop the rain