Thursday, October 14, 2010


Tipes of water
Tap water = Agua del grifo
Sparkling water = Agua gaseosa
Still water = Agua mineral

Tipes of eggs
Fried = Fritos
Soft boiled = Pasados por agua
Hard boiled = Huevos duros
Scrambled = Revueltos
Poached = Escalfados

Tipes of meat
Beef = Carne devacuno
Lamb = Cordero
Pork = Cerdo
Veal = Ternera
Mutton = Cordero viejo
Chicken = Pollo

Parts of the chicken
Wings = Alas
Legs = Muslos
Breast = Pechuga

Walnuts = Nueces
Hazelnuts = Avellanas
Chestnuts = Castañas
Peanuts = Cacahuetes

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is great, D. I like the picture a lot. Keep on working.
    Mary Sea
